Saturday, 2 July 2011

Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon you all. 13th Rajab Birthday Hazrat Ali (raziAllah anhu)

Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (raziAllah anhu) was the cousin and son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa 

sallam), and ruled over the Islamic Caliphate from 656 to 661. Hazrat Ali (raziAllh anhu) was the fourth of the Rashidun 

(rightly guided Caliphs).

During Prophet Muhammad’s (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) time, Ali (raziAllah anhu) was the only person born in the Kaaba 

sanctuary in Makkah, the holiest place in Islam. His father was Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib and his mother was Fatima 

bint Asad (raziAllah anha), but he was raised in the household of Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam), who 

himself was raised by Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) uncle. When Prophet Muhammad (sallal 

lahu alaihi wa sallam) reported receiving a divine revelation, Ali (raziAllah anhu) was the first male child to accept his 

message, dedicating his life to the cause of Islam.

Ali (raziAllah anhu) migrated to Medinah shortly after Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) did. Once there 

Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) told Ali (raziAllh anhu) that Allah had ordered Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu 

alaihi wa sallam) to give his daughter, Fatimah (raziAllah anha), to Ali (raziAllah anhu) in marriage. For the ten years 

that Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) led the community in Medinah, Ali (raziAllh anhu) was extremely active 

in his service, and in the protection of the young Muslim community.

Ali (raziAllah anhu) was appointed Caliph by the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam) (the Sahaba) 

in Medinah after the assassination of the third caliph, Uthman ibn Affan (raziAllah anhu). He encountered defiance and civil 

war during his reign. In 661, Ali (raziAllah anhu) was attacked one morning while worshipping in the Masjid of Kufa, and 

died a few days later.

In Muslim culture, Ali (raziAllah anhu) is respected for his courage, knowledge, belief, honesty, unbending devotion to 

Islam, deep loyalty to Prophet Muhammad (sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam), equal treatment of all Muslims and generosity in 

forgiving his defeated enemies, and therefore is central to mystical traditions in Islam such as Sufism. Ali (raziAllah 

anhu) retains his stature as an authority on Qur’anic exegesis, Islamic jurisprudence and religious thought. Ali (raziAllah 

anhu) holds a high position in almost all Sufi orders which trace their lineage through him to Muhammad. Ali’s influence 

has been important throughout Islamic history.

Ali (raziAllah anhu) did not want his grave to be desecrated by his enemies and consequently asked his friends and family to 

bury him secretly. This secret gravesite was revealed later during the Abbasid caliphate by Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, his 

descendant. Most accept that Ali is buried at the Tomb of Imam Ali in the Imam Ali Masjid at what is now the city of Najaf.

which grew around the Masjid and shrine called Masjid Ali (raziAllah anhu).

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